We are, Roo Pariganaka, is the only ICT magazine in Sri lanka, which is issued with a Printedbook and a multimedia DVD. Also, this is the only ICT magazine in whole south Asia region whichpublished as DVD. We serve our nation with fresh and valuable information of computertechnology since our first issue in July, 2007. Since then, we have published 92 issues (uptoMarch, 2015) continuously, and have established ourselves as a well reputed ICT Magazine in SriLanka. To Appreciate our effort for empowering the Sri Lankan computer users about the newknowledge in ICT, We were honored with eSwabhimani Award from ICTA 2012 & 2014 in the e-Learning Category. Internationally we won Mbillionth South Asias Mobile & Masas award fromNew dilli india 2014In our magazine, we present new tech, new trends and new opportunities to our subscribers. It isour vision, that we have the responsibility of empowering the Sri lankan masses with the newestpossible knowledge flowing through the modern computer and tech world. In that regard, weintroduce and innovate continually to refresh our readers experience with us. Now, we areheading to our 8with our dear readers, now we proudly present you, the Android app, “PARIGANAKA”.th Anniversary and just launch our first edition of DVD. To enrich our relationshipPARIGANAKA app is very rich and lively app, which you can engage with us directly andsmoothly. You can, read, watch and even buy our magazine through this. And also you cancontact us more easily. Hope you enjoy the mobile experience of PARIGANAKA, and weappreciate your valuable comments. Thank you all for together with us for 8 years. Cheers...