Tama星球(Tama Planets )是一款休闲冒险类手机游戏。玩家将在这个星球进行探索并开发,让星球生机勃勃,充满活力。喜欢这类游戏的玩家可下载试玩哦!


Tama星球 Tama Planets 是一个情景游戏。探索这个星球的奥秘 起初,你什么都没有,能做的也很有限。当你得到东西后,栽培他们 浇水、种植,越建越多。


- You can exchange resources and animals by ting the fence.

- Adjacent fences are now connected.

- If you grow male and female side by side, a child is born.

- Animals escape unless care is taken for a long time.


- The time to catch is shortened.

- Vibrates at the timing of fishing.

- The number of fish will not decrease when failing.
