小小赛车2 Tiny Little Racing 2:对于这个小作品的赛车游戏来说,操作真的流畅了很多,没有那些上1G的赛车游戏那么的蹩脚,画面感也是有的,游戏模式也有的选择,游戏还不错。


《小小赛车2 Tiny Little Racing 2》最新升级版发布,作为一款画面简洁的赛车小游戏,本版画质更优,操作更流畅,游戏包括生涯模式、快速比赛和杯赛,多人游戏和成就即将到来。通过玩生涯模式可以全部解锁22首歌曲和12辆汽车。


1.05Now all race events have 8 cars (was 6).Slightly lowered screen buttons to reduce the dead space.Added quality update to the Library floor and kitchen walls textures. Fixed small issues in both levels.Fixed below track respawn on the Bedroom 1Reduced engine units of the AI Ultimate cars in all challenges from 5 to 4Optimizations for bedroom races in high detail and above.Bug fixes. Please keep reporting if you find any bugs or crashes.Visit the facebook page to get news updates!
