The new Yellowbook yellow pages app powered by hibu Inc. - Find a local business,a take-out restaurant,cheap gas nearby and more with one click.

Want to simplify your life and get things done quickly? The new Yellowbook yellow pages application offers the perfect way to find everything you need by connecting you with millions of local businesses and service providers. Search through the massive Yellowbook local business yellow pages for a restaurant,hotel,lawyer,bank,doctor,day spa,professional service provider,home improvement center pet supply store,cheap gas nearby and just about anything else you need.

- Millions of Local Business – Browse listings with phone numbers,directions,addresses,store hours,websites and more

- Ratings and Reviews – Discover the tastiest takeout pizza, rate your favorite hair salon and read thousands of real reviews

- Local Search – Simply type or say the name of any local business and easily find it with the Yellowbook app

- Maps – Browse yellow pages listings, get driving directions and easily navigate to any nearby business

- Groupon Deals – Find amazing deals for restaurants, auto repairs and other valuable products and services

- Cheap Gas – Find close cheap gas no matter where you are

One app. Millions of businesses. Great deals. Trusted reviews. Yellowbook yellow pages brings all of it together to make your life easier.

Jump in and find a great restaurant today. Then use our direct social integration tools to easily share it with your friends by posting it on Facebook ( ) Find cheap gas and post it to Twitter ( ). Or, simply send an email or text to anybody in your Google+ network ( ) right from the Yellowbook application.

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